why do they call them dog days?
some feel like bump on a log days
like nobody cares so why should i?
lazy heat of summer
siestas seem like all we want to do
but somewhere inside
i still want to care
don't you?
hot nights of summer
still with air conditioning
sheets still get wet with sweat
doing a lot of indoor lingering
humid heat of summer
nothing seems to be all we want to do
but somewhere inside
i still want to care
and i hope you do too
can we share some motivation
sweet sensation
get our bodies moving some more
out the door
it's cooler by the sea shore
can we get some inspiration
sweet salvation
get our energy levels up
fill our cup
can we get a yup? yup yup
sweet scents of summer
get back to the great outdoors
tune in with your own nature
thrive on being wet, being wet, being wet
so much life in summer
life is bursting out from everywhere
but somewhere inside
i still want to care
you still want to care
so much life in summer
feel the life shining in you
somewhere deep inside
i still want to care
and i hope you do too