Tuesday, September 24, 2013

oh really?

i left this hear to see if anyone noticed, and also, you know, to see if anyone cared... might as well take drugs, the hypocrisy of our times, play the game right and you get a prescription, play by yourself and you can get arrested, shoulda been a doctor, aye?... might as well get faith in something beyond reason, the hypocrisy of our times, play the game right and you're called a saint, play by yourself and you can be killed, shoulda been a priest, aye?... there are people in control because they play the game... not because they deserve it... not because they have earned it... not because they know anything more than you... do... but just because they play the game, might as well get a clue... play the game if you want to... play the game and you'll fit in... play the game if you think you've got to... hey, you might even win...

or you can become yourself and let your life begin...

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