Friday, May 20, 2016

Don't Care Out Of Guilt

If you are caring because you are told that caring is the right way to be you are wrong and should rethink your rationale.

Don't care out of guilt
don't let nobody shame you
don't care against your will
don't let nobody frame you

there is no doubt in true love
so if you are at all not sure
don't care because you think you should
that's not what caring's for

Who cares?
I care.
Who cares?
I care.

It gets so hard sometimes to do life all alone
Responsibilities can drag us down
All we want is for someone to say they've known
our struggle has been worth it all along

Don't care because you're told to
care because you want to
that is what caring is all about

you do it when you feel it
that's what makes it real, it
is something inside that must come out

Who cares?
You care.
Who cares?
We care.

If you don't have time
you find another way
to show you care
every single day

And when you don't
it's ok to say
that you don't care
don't pretend
don't defend
let it end
that's a friend

Don't care out of guilt
don't let nobody shame you
don't care against your will
don't let nobody frame you

there is no doubt in true love
so if you are at all not sure
don't care because you think you should
that's not what caring's for

Who cares?

Who cares?

Who cares?

Who cares?

Who cares?

Who cares?